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June 29, 2012 Subject:
Italian TV? Not
This is an Andy Warhol film of the Velvets made at his Factory in the spring of 1966. It is called "Symphony of Sound" and was ended by the police responding
to noise complaints. This all is according a chronology of Warhol found on
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April 17, 2011 Subject:
Velvet forever..
a band that was the beginnig of many genres of music..always underground..never commercial..
November 28, 2007 Subject:
Well that's just a matter of taste! Personally I love it. It was just filmed that way and that's just the song; it has absolutely nothing to do with the
quality of the recording, etc. anyways, vu forever.
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November 28, 2007 Subject:
Long Instrumental
The quality of this is pretty good, but the camera goes in and out of focus alot, and does alot of zooming in and out and panning around. Also the song
is just a long ass instrumental
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October 30, 2007 Subject:
For the historical record (for what it's worth)
Rai Tre (the Third channel of the Italian Public TV Company) was founded only in 1979, so this can't possibly have been recorded from that network in 1966.
It might plausibly have been originally broadcast by Rai Uno or Rai Due (respectively, the First and the Second public channels) and rebroadcast by Rai Tre, and recorded by the taper, at a later date. Whatever, THANKS! (Five stars for the historical value and, well, because it's The Velvet Underground!)